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Work with schools and young people

A workshop for schools at Oxford Vaccine Group

In 2015, as part of the UK Meningococcal Carriage Study 4, Oxford Vaccine Group offered participating sixth forms the chance to put forward three students for a one-day workshop which took students through the entire process of developing a new vaccine. The short film below shows how the workshop was developed and what students thought of it. We hope to be able to offer similar workshops in the future.

Participating in the London International Youth Science Forum

In July 2015 Oxford Vaccine Group and the Jenner Institute hosted a visit by 36 international students people as part of the London International Youth Science Forum. The visit was organised by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust.

The students learned about cutting edge research taking place at Oxford Vaccine Centre. Dr Christopher Green from Oxford Vaccine Group talked about a career in vaccine research and how his interest in the topic led to his current role. The Jenner Institute’s Dr Sean Elias spoke on how researchers are working on developing vaccines for malaria, which kills hundreds of thousands of people each year. The students also had the opportunity to tour Oxford Vaccine Group’s labs.

The London International Youth Science Forum is held at Imperial College London and features lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists, visits to industrial sites, research centres, scientific institutions and organisations, including world class laboratories and universities. It attracts more than 400 of the world’s leading young scientists aged 17 to 21 from more than 60 countries.