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Central line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) reduction programmes in hospitalised children have been focused in the intensive care setting and little data is available on the efficacy and cost effectiveness of such programmes in other clinical areas. Prospective monitoring of hospital acquired CLABSI rates in all clinical areas was performed at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital for a period of three years following the implementation of a central venous line (CVL) care bundle. We observed a decrease in CLABSI rates from 220 in the first year following intervention to 108 per 100,000 patient days (p=0.002) in the third year of the study, demonstrating a decrease of over 50% in CLABSI rates. Blood culture contamination rates were also significantly reduced. The introduction of a CVL care bundle produced a significant, sustainable reduction in hospital acquired CLABSI rates in a children’s hospital setting.

Original publication





Journal of infection prevention

Publication Date





139 - 141


Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK.