Past Newsletter
VACCSline publish a quarterly newsletter for immunisers in the Thames Valley.
To read a previous copy please click on the relevant newsletter. Please be aware that the information contained within previous newsletters reflects guidance that was current at that time of publication and may now have changed.
- An overview of VACCSline’s achievements
- Provision of immunisation advice from 1 April 2017 and new contact details
- Key resources to respond to immunisation enquires
- Oxford Vaccine Group Update – Healthy Volunteer’s Database
- Introduction to Immunisation Training 2017/18
- An increase in measles—Ensure all those eligible are appropriately immunised with MMR.
- Vaccination Coverage of MMR in the Thames Valley
- Current questions about influenza vaccine
- Oxford Vaccine Group Update - The SNIFFLE 4 Study -Safety of Nasal Influenza Immunisation in Children with Asthma
- OVG Immunisation Seminar Thursday 23rd March 2017
Update Letter relating to Newsletter 40: Summer 2016
- Men B vaccination in the second year of life for infants born on or after 1st May 2015
- Changes to the delivery of the VACCSline service
- Pertussis immunisation in pregnancy
- Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status
- Men B vaccination in the second year of life for infants born on or after 1st May 2015
- Summer time and a time of travel
- Thinking ahead to the Autumn: 2016/17 influenza vaccination programme
- Oxford Vaccine Group Update: Vaccines Against Salmonella Typhi Study
- Changes to vaccine programmes
- Think MMR - cessation of rubella susceptibility in pregnancy
- Administering four vaccine to children at 12 months of age
- New resource: let's talk about protection
- Hepatitis B vaccination
- Busy times and vaccines errors
- HPV vaccine safety: no link with ‘debilitating illnesses’
- Influenza and shingles immunisation programmes continue
- Oxford Vaccine Group Immunisation Seminar 17th March 2016
- Dates of Introduction to Immunisation Training 2016
- Thank you to all immunisers
- Vaccine errors
- Information and material to support immunisers
- New competency framework for registered and non-registered immunisers
- OVG update: Aditech study
- Immunisation training dates
- Planned changes to the routine immunisation schedule: Introduction of Meningococcal B immunisation (MenB) and Meningococcal conjugate ACWY vaccination (MenACWY) with links to key resources
- Influenza Immunisation Programme 2015/16: Children and egg allergy, updated chapter of the on line Green Book and vaccine supply
- Immunisation training; including free train the trainer immunisation update event for influenza, pneumococcal (adult) and zoster vaccines
- Assessment of new registrants immunisation status
- Selected FAQS from the Oxford Vaccine Group Immunisation Seminar; vaccine administration, pertussis vaccination for each pregnancy
- Shingles immunisation
- Newsletter readers survey
- Vaccine storing and ordering and an updated cold chain audit tool
- Off label vaccine use: new resources from PHE
- Newsletter readers survey
- Primary immunisation - when to start and intervals between doses
- Immunisation training in 2015
- OVG immunisation seminar
- Influenza vaccination and egg allergy
- Contraindications to shingles vaccination
- Courses of Gardasil started before September 2014
- Vaccine errors
- Cold chain incidents
- VACCSline phone number is now 0345 279 9878
- The Influenza vaccination programme 2014/15
- Immunisation training; including free train the trainer immunisation update event for influenza, pneumococcal (adult) and zoster vaccines
- Boosters of Meningococcal C vaccine
- Meningococcal B vaccine
- Shingles vaccination
- Boosters of dTaP/IPV before two years of age
- Administration of live vaccines
- Meningococcal ACWY: conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines
- Adolescent meningococcal C conjugate vaccine
- Shingles vaccine for immunosuppressed patients
- PCV13; change in advice from VACCSline
- OVG immunisation seminar 2014
- Administration of live vaccines
- Injection technique
- FAQs and resources to help respond to them
- Hepatitis B immunisation at pre-school age for at risk children: RIO scheduling
- Keeping up to date
- Record keeping
- Vaccine storage
- Influenza vaccine programme
- Useful information to assist in responding to enquiries relating to MMR vaccination
- Essential web based immunisation resources
- Organisational changes following launch of Public Health England
- Immunisation training including "Train the Trainer" for influenza
- Vaccine errors reported to VACCSline
- Influenza programme end
- Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status
- Interrupted HPV schedule
- PGDs from April 2013
- Typhoid vaccine availability and voluntary withdrawal
- Pertussis vaccination for pregnant women: Resources to support the programme
- Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status
- Zoster vaccine update
- MMR vaccine and single dose vaccines
- Routine vaccines at 12/13 months of age
- Pertussis vaccination issues
- Varicella and herpes zoster vaccines
- Immunisation training of health care support workers
- Immunisation training standard
- Vaccine incident guidance.
- Non UK and incomplete immunisation schedule
- Antenatal rubella status
- Immunisation competency assessment tool
- Hepatitis B vaccination in chronic renal failure
- Egg allergy and vaccination
- HPV vaccine programme
- Influenza vaccination in pregnancy
- Influenza immunisation programme 2011/12
- Vaccine storage
- University students' MMR and Men C vaccines
- Hepatitis B vaccine commenced in infancy overseas
- MMR vaccine
- Migrant health
- Green Book chapter updates
- Ask the experts; your immunisation questions answered
- Pertussis vaccine for adults travelling to Australia
- Influenza vaccine
- Chemotherapy and vaccine preventable disease
- Change in routine childhood immunisations at 12/13 months old
- Maternal and neonatal vaccinations
- Quadrivalent meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine
- FAQ: pre school booster
- Influenza immunisation programme
- Vaccine spillage
- Measles and health care workers
- Mumps in the student population
- Summary of enquiries to VACCSline
- MMR and single vaccines
- Exclusions to vaccination within PGD's
- Interrupted vaccine schedules
- Vaccine errors with pandemic influenza vaccines
- Age to start primary immunisations
- Pandemic influenza vaccine
- COVER data
- Intervals between vaccine
- HPV vaccine safety
- Influenza
- Incomplete immunisations
- Vaccination of individuals migrating to the UK
- MMR vaccination before 12 months of age
- About VACCSline
- 12 month booster and PCV and MMR vaccines
- Vaccine preventable disease in the Thames Valley
- MMR vaccine
- Immunisation status of FE students
- Flu and pneumococcal vaccine in patients undergoing chemotherapy
- VACCSline enquiry data
- JCVI tetanus statement
- Vaccine errors
- HPV vaccine
- Children transferring in from overseas
- Influenza immunisation programme 2011/12
- Vaccine storage
- VACCSline: who we are
- Hib catch up programme
- Increased incidence of measles
- PCV catch up programme
- Common queries relating to the new immunisation schedule
- New Green Book
- Internet resources for immunisation
- Common queries
- Cold chain incident
- Introduction of PCV vaccine
- New schedule
- Common queries